MS PowerPoint Practice Session 4Basic Instructions for MCQ OnlineThe examination will comprise of Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)All questions are compulsory and each carries One mark.There will be NO NEGATIVE MARKING for the wrong answers.1. ______ is used to repeat the last action performed. F9 F7 F4 F22. Slide master option is found in which tab ? Slideshow Developer View Review3. Can we create PDF file in PowerPoint? Yes No 4. _______ shortcut key is used to display the context menu for the selected item. Alt + F11 Ctrl + F10 Shift + F10 Alt + F105. ______________ are well desinged template will make your slides and overall presentation look goods Shift+Alt+D Shift+Alt+A Shift+Alt+S Shift+Alt+E6. Can remove animation applied to any object ? Yes No7. if we need to create two different slide shows from the same set of slides, we uses ______ Set Up Slide show From beginning Custom Slide Show From current slide8. Which is not the valid edition of MS PowerPoint? MS PowerPoint 2016 MS PowerPoint 2013 MS PowerPoint 2014 MS PowerPoint 20199. _________ command is used to add hyperlink to an object to specify what should happen when you click on it. comment Slide Show Action Arrange10. Objects on the slide that hold text are called Placeholders Text holders Auto layouts Object holders11. To delete animation applied to any text or shape we can use ________ Format Painter Delete button Animation pane Animation Painter12. we can not apply or use comment in powepoint ? Yes No13. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called ____________. Bullet slide Graph slide Title slide Table slide14. Change the selected text to be uppercase or lowercase, or have a capital letter at the beginning of each word Shift + F3 Shift + F4 Shift + F5 Shift + F215. Can we apply animation to shapes Yes No16. Can we create PDF file in PowerPoint by using export option? No Yes17. Open the Font window, to adjust font size, style, and type. Ctrl + T Shift + D Shift+Alt+D Shift + F418. MS Powerpoint is application software developed by _________. Google Apple Andriod Mirosoft19. Can we copy animation applied to one shape to other shape ? No Yes20. To delete animation applied to any text or shape we can use ________ Animation Painter Animation pane Delete button Format Painter21. there is no difference between save and save as option? Yes No 22. Can we create video in powerpoint? FALSE TRUE23. Which is the latest edition of MS PowerPoint? MS PowerPoint 2016 MS PowerPoint 2010 MS PowerPoint 2013 MS PowerPoint 201924. Can we apply animation in a single letter Yes No25. _______ is used to select the active tab of the ribbon and activate the access keys F10 or Alt Alt Ctrl + tab F10 26. To bring the first slide in your presentation, which command do you use? Page Down Ctrl + Home Home Page Up27. To activate Microsoft Powerpoint through run command, the keyword is Winpowerpnt Powerpoint mspowerpnt Powerpnt28. _____ is a presentation program. MS Outlook MS PowerPoint MS Excel MS word29. Which option can be used to copy animation from one object to other ? Animation painter Copy Animation Format painter30. Open the Date and Time window to insert the current date, time, or both Shift+Alt+D Shift+Alt+A Shift+Alt+E Shift+Alt+S31. Shift+Insert can be used to Paste Like Ctrl+V Yes No 32. Can we create custom slide show in powerpoint ? No Yes33. In PowerPoint, F5 is used to outline view Slide shorter view exit presentation Slide show/run presentation34. The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets ) is _______ Slide shorter view Slide view Notes page view Outline view35. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called ____________. Chart Slide Bullet Slide Title slide Group of Slides36. Open the Print page to view the print preview and print the slide deck. ctrl + Shift + F11 Shift+Alt+F9 ctrl + Shift + F12 Shift+Alt+F1037. Can we insert symbol in MS PowerPoint ? No Yes38. We can not change the duration of transition manually ? FALSE TRUE39. Can we apply different types of themes to different slides ? No Yes40. Can we delete animation applied to any text or shapes show in powerpoint ? No Yes41. Can we create video in powerpoint using save as option? Yes No 42. CTRL + N is a shortcut to create new slide ? Yes No43. Want your logo in the same position on every slide, automatically ? Insert it on the ____________ Handout Master Slide Master Slip Master Slide Admin44. In PowerPoint background option is available in which tab button ? Insert Format File Design45. ________ is used to switch between the outline pane and the thumbnail pane. Ctrl + tab Ctrl + Shift + > Shift + Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab46. _______shortcut used to run the presentation from the beginning. none F7 F5 F847. What is the shortcut key to close a presentation? Shift + W Shift+Alt+W Shift + D Ctrl + W48. _________ command is used for making universal changes to all slides in presentation Slide Admin Slide Master Slide Administrator Slip Master49. View the slide show starting from the selected slide. Shift + F2 Shift + F5 Shift + F3 Shift + F450. Can we used copy and paste command to duplicate slide ? No Yes Loading …Question 1 of 50