MS PowerPoint Practice Session 2

Basic Instructions for MCQ Online
  1. The examination will comprise of Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  2. All questions are compulsory and each carries One mark.
  3. There will be NO NEGATIVE MARKING for the wrong answers.

1. What is shortcut key used to run presentation from current slide?


2. Which of the following command does not appear in the Slides group?


3. Which of the following tab button in PowerPoint has bullets and numbering option?


4. Identify which of the following is not a transition effect.


5. __________ is used to adjust space between characters


6. What steps will you use to view a slide show?


7. Using _________, We can animate an object to move to any direction:


8. Gridline option is found which tab?


9. What is the shortcut combination key to decrease the size of selected text in MS-PowerPoint?


10. PowerPoint readymade design is called________


11. ___________ is shortcut key to close presentation file.


12. How to go to next slide in PowerPoint?


13. What is the shortcut key to create a blank presentation?


14. What is the shortcut combination key to increase the size of selected text in MS-PowerPoint?


15. Which of the following view is used for viewing all the slides in one screen?


16. To center align the text in PowerPoint ________ key is used.


17. Change Case Option in not found in powerpoint.


18. When we want to show presentation from 3 to 9 slides only then use _____________


19. What is shortcut key used for show/hide guides?


20. What is shortcut key used for show/hide gridline?


21. Which of the following is not a type of an animation effect?


22. What is the keyboard shortcut for creating duplicate slide in PowerPoint?


23. Shift + F7 is shortcut key used for ____________


24. Which of the following is the default page setup orientation of slide in powepoint?


25. View the presentation as slide show that fit within window


26. Esc is key used to cancel the presentation while full screen mode.


27. A new presentation can be created from


28. _________ is used to copy animation from one shape to other shape.


29. How many different slide layout are there in MS-PowerPoint?


30. Can we copy animation from one shape to other shape?


Question 1 of 30

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