MS Excel Practice Session 6

Basic Instructions for MCQ Online
  1. The examination will comprise of Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  2. All questions are compulsory and each carries One mark.
  3. There will be NO NEGATIVE MARKING for the wrong answers.

1. MS Excel has row limit of __________


2. To remove the content of selected cells you must issue ______ command


3. which option or function can be used to combined two or more cell value ?


4. MS Excel file can NOT be directly exported as ______


5. Which key is used for help in MS excel?


6. In MS Excel, keyboard shortcut keys to create a new workbook is _____


7. When all the numbers between 0 and 200 in a range should be displayed in Red Color, Apply _______


8. Keep a portion of sheet visible while rest of sheet scrolls


9. The Delete key of keyboard is assigned to which command in Excel?


10. _____ can be used as a keyboard shortcut key to check spelling in MS Excel.


11. What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in a cell address? ($A$2:$A$10)


12. Which option is used to display all the content of cell in multiple lines


13. Which of the following is the correct method of editing the cell content?


14. Which shortcut is used to insert new worksheet


15. How many sheets can be added in Excel file ?


16. Text function is used to capitalize each word


17. ________is the best alternative to MS Excel offered by Google Inc.


18. Without using the mouse or the arrow keys, what is the fastest way of getting to cell A1 in a spreadsheet?


19. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?


20. In MS Excel, Workbook can be closed using keyboard shortcut ______


21. Create a link to a webpage, picture, email address, or any program


22. MS Excel has maximum column width limit is of __________characters


23. Opens “Format Cells” dialog box.


24. Which option is used to join the selected cells into single cell and center the content of cell ?


25. Which of the following options can be used to delete comment apply on a cell ?


26. In excel text entry are align to


27. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?


28. Is used to arrange data ascending and descending order ?


29. Open “Microsoft Office Excel Help”.


30. Microsoft Excel has column limit of __________


31. In excel numeric entry are align


32. Which of the following is invalid statement?


33. Open a new window containing a view of the current windows


34. How can you show or hide the gridlines in Excel Worksheet?


Question 1 of 34

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