DDL commands in SQL are used to define, modify, and manage the structure of database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints. Some common DDL commands include:
- CREATE: Used to create a new table, index, or other database object.
- ALTER: Used to modify an existing table’s structure, such as adding, deleting, or changing columns.
- DROP: Used to delete a table, index, or other database object.
- TRUNCATE: Used to remove all rows from a table, but keep the table structure.
- RENAME: Used to change the name of a table, index, or other database object.
Here is an example of how to use DDL commands in SQL:
Create a new database named Precords and create new tables named Players, then use all DDL Command to view changes in tables.
Create database Precords;
How to Create New Table in MS SQL Server?
Create table Players
Emp_ID int,
Fname varchar (20),
Age int,
DOB date,
Salary int
To View Newly Created table use Below Select Command.
Select *From Players;
How to Rename a Column name in a table?
Syntax: -
EXEC sp_rename 'TABLENAME.oldcolumn_name', 'Newcolumn_name','Column'
For Example,
Above table Salary Column is renamed as NetSalary
EXEC sp_rename 'Players.Salary','NetSalary','Column';
How to Add New column in the table?
Syntax: -
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD NewColumn_name DATAYPE;
For Example,
In the above table EMail_ID is added as new Column
Alter table Players add Email_id varchar(25);
How to Modify Datatype in a table of give column?
Syntax: -
For Example,
Above table EMail_ID is added as new Column
Alter table Players alter column Netsalary decimal;
How to Delete a column in a table?
Syntax: -
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN Column_name;
For Example,
Above table EMail_ID is added as new Column
Alter table Players drop column Age;
How to Delete OR Drop/Truncate a table?
Syntax: -
DROP TABLE Table_name; --Drop delete Whole table
TRUNCATE TABLE Table_name; -- Truncate delete table data only
For Example,
Below we created a new table and use DROP Command to delete table.
Drop table Player;
Truncate Table Player;
Create a new table in the give database and use below commands.
Create table Player
Emp_ID int,
Fname varchar (20),
Age int,
DOB date,
Salary int
View the table data and added two more row the given table .
Select *from Player;
Insert into Player Values(101,'Sachin',35,'1986/04/15',35000);
Insert into Player Values(102,'Virat',25,'1996/08/05',35000);
Truncate table Player; -- This will delete both the rows only
Drop table Player; -- this will delete both rows as well as header too means whole table