DCL Command in SQL

DCL stands for Data Control Language, and it is a subset of SQL commands that allows you to manage the security and access of the data in a database. DCL commands are used to grant or revoke privileges to users or roles over database objects, such as tables, views, or procedures. Some of the most common DCL commands are:

GRANT: This command is used to give specific privileges to a user or a role over a database object. For example, you can use the GRANT command to allow a user to select, insert, update, or delete data from a table. The syntax of the GRANT command is:

GRANT privilege1, privilege2, ... ON object TO user_or_role;

REVOKE: This command is used to take back the previously granted privileges from a user or a role over a database object. For example, you can use the REVOKE command to remove the permission to update or delete data from a table. The syntax of the REVOKE command is:

REVOKE privilege1, privilege2, ... ON object FROM user_or_role;

DENY: This command is used to deny specific privileges to a user or a role over a database object. This command overrides the GRANT command and prevents the user or role from accessing or modifying the data. The syntax of the DENY command is:

DENY privilege1, privilege2, ... ON object TO user_or_role;
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